MDDP on the IV Kongres Rady Podatkowej Konfederacji Lewiatan

On October 14th and 15th theKongres Rady Podatkowej Konfederacji Lewiata will be held, of which MDDP is once again a Strategic Partner. As in previous years, the event is divided into two parts: an open, free conference on the most important changes in tax and law and paid tax workshops for the professionals.

On the first day Tomasz Michalik, dr Paweł Selera (Director of the VAT Department at the Ministry of Finance) and Wojciech Wach (An expert of the Tax Council, a business representative) will take part in a panel „Wielki brat fiskus – Centralny Rejestr Faktur coraz bliżej. Doświadczenia zmian na przykładzie Białej Listy Podatników, Split Paymentu, Kas rejestrujących online”.

On the second day, Janina Fornalik and Magdalena Marciniak will talk about the two most important challenges that taxpayers will face this autumn –  JPK_VAT and the newly introduced TP-R form. What do taxpayers need to prepare for? What do we  have to remember about?

Kongres Rady Podatkowej Konfederacji Lewiatan is an event which is based on a joint discussion between representatives of the Ministry of Finance, tax experts and entrepreneurs, which allows the participants of the conference to learn about the Ministry of Finance’s plans for further changes in the Polish tax system, and to hear about the challenges faced by entrepreneurs in connection with the changing legal and tax environment.