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At MDDP, we focus on good working relationships not only between current but also former employees. Relationships based on partnership and trust, and above all on values, are the foundation on which we have built MDDP together.

For it was you – former employees – who played a part in creating our corporate identity.

Today, each of you is following your own professional path. We hope to accompany you on this unique journey. We know the power of the relationships you have established and the experience you have gained, and what an inspiration the stories of others are.

We created the MDDP Alumni Community so that you can nurture your relationships – past and future – and so that you can share experiences. Together, we can do #evenmore.

Welcome to the MDDP Alumni community!

Tomasz Michalik prostokat 1541x2048 1 e1721213952414

Tomasz Michalik
Founder of MDDP

What MDDP is today, 20 years after its creation, is made up of the sum of the successes and failures, the good decisions and the mistakes we made, the courage to act, the risks we took - sometimes rightly and sometimes wrongly - in other words, the sum of our collective experiences, from which I hope we were able to draw the right lessons. And we all have a stake in that, no matter how long or when we were part of MDDP. That is why we invite you, as those who have had an impact on where MDDP is today, to join our community.
Trust is the common denominator of all our activities and has been with us since the very beginning. 20 years ago, a group of exceptional and passionate people trusted the idea to create a company different from all others. Over the years, we have been trusted by hundreds of colleagues who are building our company with their talents. Trust is also the glue that binds us to those who have completed their adventure with MDDP. Thank you for the contribution you made to building MDDP and for being with us. Some of you have been longer, others shorter, but however long the journey together, today we welcome you to the MDDP Alumni community.
Renata Dluska

Renata Dłuska
Founder of MDDP

Monika Dziedzic

Monika Dziedzic
Founder of MDDP

Over the 20 years of the firm's existence, more than 2,000 people have worked at MDDP. Although some of them have moved on, today they form a huge circle of Friends of MDDP. Some are our clients, some work for tax authorities or other advisory firms, some have started their own firms. We are glad that they once chose MDDP, gained experience with us and developed their professional skills. We are proud that MDDP was their place and very happy that for many of them MDDP still remains an important place - important on their professional path, but also one that evokes warm memories in their hearts.

Why is it worth joining the MDDP Alumni community?

Join the MDDP Alumni community

Have you worked for at least 6 months at MDDP Michalik Dłuska Dziedzic i Partnerzy or MDDP Olkiewicz i Wspólnicy?
Join the MDDP Alumni Programme!

Do programu Alumnów MDDP zapraszamy wszystkich byłych pracowników i współpracowników firmy MDDP Michalik Dłuska Dziedzic i Partnerzy oraz MDDP Olkiewicz i Wspólnicy, którzy:

pracowali w firmie co najmniej 3 miesiące,

przekażą zgodę na przystąpienie do programu.



Feel free to contact me

Barbara Lenarcik MDDP
Barbara Lenarcik

Partner | Business Development, Marketing and Communication
T: (+48) 510 915 615