MDDP International

Are you looking for a professional and reliable partner in the field of international tax matters? You’re in the right place.

Our team consists of specialized experts with extensive knowledge and experience in international taxation. We provide comprehensive business and tax advisory services. For legal advice, we work in partnership with the law firm Osborne Clarke.

We collaborate with leading European consulting firms, delivering high-quality services with a focus on international aspects. Our clients include international corporations as well as the largest Polish companies from all sectors of the economy.

We tailor our tax solutions to the individual needs and goals of each client. We handle both direct and indirect taxes, taking into account the specificities of different jurisdictions and tax systems. We assist clients in effectively and compliantly managing taxes on a global scale.

MDDP International

Szukasz profesjonalnego i sprawdzonego partnera w dziedzinie międzynarodowych zagadnień podatkowych? Znajdujesz się w dobrym miejscu.

Nasz zespół tworzą wyspecjalizowani eksperci, dysponujący bogatą wiedzą i doświadczeniem w zakresie podatków międzynarodowych. Zapewniamy wszechstronne doradztwo biznesowe.

Współpracujemy z czołowymi europejskimi firmami doradczymi, świadcząc najwyższej jakości usługi z uwzględnieniem aspektów międzynarodowych. Wśród naszych klientów są zarówno koncerny międzynarodowe, jak i największe polskie spółki ze wszystkich sektorów gospodarki.

Dostosowujemy nasze rozwiązania podatkowe do indywidualnych potrzeb i celów każdego klienta. Zajmujemy się zarówno podatkami bezpośrednimi, jak i pośrednimi, biorąc pod uwagę specyfikę różnych jurysdykcji i systemów podatkowych. Pomagamy klientom w efektywnym i zgodnym zarządzaniu podatkami na poziomie globalnym.

Where do we support our clients?

Our experts provide formal, legal and organisational support to our clients, their businesses and non-governmental and charitable organisations.

We assist both domestic and international companies that are establishing or preparing to establish operations in Ukraine.

We also assist companies already operating in the Ukrainian market.


We advise entrepreneurs from the German-speaking area (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) on cross-border projects, as well as Polish investors wishing to expand into international markets.

Our many years of experience, expert knowledge of tax regulations and foreign legal systems, knowledge of the German language and understanding of the business culture of entrepreneurs enable us to provide our clients with the highest level of service.


Our publications

The publications prepared by our experts are characterized by practical knowledge on the topics of tax solutions, both for domestic and foreign investors or entrepreneurs. And responding to the needs of business and clients is the main motivator for the creation of such materials.

Feel free to download and contact us if you have any questions.

Enjoy your reading!

Inherent in doing business in Poland, is the need to be familiar with Polish law, especially tax laws.

  • What does the tax system in Poland look like?
  • What tax breaks and exemptions can entrepreneurs in Poland take advantage of?
  • What should you pay special attention to?

Due to economic and business conditions, Poland is a business-attractive country that continually attracts many foreign investors.

In cooperation with experts in taxation, law and accounting, we answer a wide range of questions about setting up and running a business in Poland.

In the “Tax Expert Guide” publication, we present the entire spectrum of effective tax solutions in response to business needs.

Our experts combine international experience and the highest standards with practical knowledge of the complex economic reality, which they briefly present in the above reading.

Get in touch with us if you have any questions

Barbara Lenarcik MDDP
Barbara Lenarcik

Partner | Business Development, Marketing, and Communication Team
T: +48 510 915 615