Proper VAT settlement is a key element of sound financial management for any company. Nowadays, entrepreneurs are interested in finding ways to optimise costs and increase their competitiveness. VAT, as a significant element of the tax system, plays a crucial role in companies’ financial strategies. It is essential to understand the applicable regulations and apply them accurately. Entrepreneurs aim to take advantage of available reliefs and exemptions, but VAT regulations are complex and often subject to change. Meeting these requirements involves numerous formalities and strict control by tax authorities.


Advisory and analysis

  • Analysis of current business operations and determination of the correctness of handling VAT matters.
  • Assistance in determining the best business structure with a particular emphasis on VAT tax implications of planned activities.
  • Contract analysis to determine the correct method of contract settlement, including its stages and documentation of transactions.
  • Analysis of the consequences of implemented solutions and identification of areas of risk.
  • VAT treatment of cross-border transactions – identification of the correct method of settling triangular and chain transactions.
  • Advisory on VAT treatment in the sale of commercial real estate.
  • Advice for clients starting operations in foreign markets – development of optimal supply chains for goods and documentation in international trade.
  • VAT tax support on issues related to the permanent establishment (PE).

Tax reviews and due diligence

  • Conducting tax reviews, including an assessment of the correctness of VAT settlements, identification of risks, and analysis of procedures and processes affecting the company’s tax position.
  • Implementing due diligence methodology by designing procedures tailored to the scale and nature of the business.
  • Due diligence reviews aimed at assessing the company’s condition, particularly in relation to planned M&A transactions.

Sector-specific advice

  • VAT advisory services tailored to the specifics of a given sector, including expertise in the financial services, energy, public sector (local government units), real estate, construction, FMCG, telecommunications, IT, pharmaceutical, and automotive industries.
  • Representing taxpayers in applications for binding tax rulings and Binding Rate Information (WIS).

Tax risk management

  • Identification of significant tax risk areas within the company, determination of processes to minimise risks, and support in implementing those processes.
  • Development and preparation of procedures to manage the risk of tax arrears and criminal tax liability, minimise penalties, and enable effective management control.
  • Practical analysis of legislative changes and personalised identification of consequences for a particular entity.

VAT advisory and reporting for foreign entities

  • VAT Compliance – services involving the management of VAT settlements in Poland, including keeping VAT registers, preparing and submitting VAT returns, SAF-T (JPK) files, and Intrastat declarations.
  • Supporting foreign entities registered for VAT purposes in Poland – structural analysis, tax consequences of activities carried out in Poland, and VAT treatment of transactions.
  • Procedures and processes to ensure compliance with the Polish VAT system and integration with the home country’s system.

Proceedings and inspections

  • Supporting businesses during tax checks and audits.
  • Representing taxpayers before tax authorities and administrative courts in tax proceedings, judicial-administrative proceedings, and enforcement proceedings.

Automatyzacja procesów i raportowania

  • VATcheck – application for verifying SAF-T (JPK) VAT files
  • NIPcheck – automatic verification of VAT and EU VAT numbers
  • SAFETYcheck – application for ensuring due diligence
  • checkJPK – automatic analysis and verification of data contained in SAF-T files

VAT refunds

  • Comprehensive support in preparing VAT refund applications (incurred in EU countries and countries where such refunds are possible) and assistance in the VAT refund process.
  • Assistance in the VAT refund process.

Advisory for industry organisations

  • Assistance in aligning industry organisations with regulatory requirements.
  • Representation in discussions and public consultations.
  • Representation in legislative processes.
  • Preparation of analyses to determine the economic and legal position of the organisation.

Feel free to contact us

TomaszMichalik kwadrat
Tomasz Michalik

Partner | Tax adviser | Head of the VAT Practice
T: (+48) 501 733 720

profilowe INDYWID bogdanski
Bartosz Bogdański

Partner | Tax adviser
T: (+48) 660 440 140

Janina Fornalik
Janina Fornalik

Partner | Tax adviser
T: (+48) 660 440 141

Pawel Gos kwadrat
Paweł Goś

Partner | Tax adviser
T: (+48) 602 704 577

Agnieszka Kisielewska male
Agnieszka Kisielewska

Partner | Tax adviser | Head of the customs and excise team