As a customs agency, you certainly face many challenges on a daily basis, such as:
- Lack of staff with VAT expertise
- Large scale of simultaneous clearance operations
- Difficult contact with tax administration authorities (of various levels)
- Client’s expectations of comprehensive and fast service
- The risk of joint and several liability for tax liabilities with the taxpayer in the case of clearance procedures based on Article 33a of the VAT Act.
How can we help you and your clients?
- We will carry out your registration for VAT purposes in Poland
- We will prepare monthly JPK_VAT7M (SAF-T) declarations
- We will prepare EU VAT returns
- We will prepare and submit Intrastat declarations
- We will settle import tax under a simplified procedure
- We will handle ongoing contact with the Tax Office.
Benefits of working together with MDDP
You provide your customers with professional VAT services which include settlement of tax on exports and imports in the regular and simplified procedure.
You provide your customers with support in tax administrative procedures and contact with Tax and Tax and Customs Authorities.
You do not involve your staff in tax issues so they can serve your customers more efficiently in terms of clearance.
You have access to our experts able to advise you on any and all tax issues.
You show your client that they receive a comprehensive and professional service by working together with us.
You create a model of effective information exchange with us, which allows you to react and deal with matters promptly.
Our experience
A leading global player in the video games and consoles industry
Our support for one of the largest distributors of video games-related electronics and software consists primarily in providing comprehensive advice on VAT, e.g. with regard to regulations on simplified import and import settled in accordance with general principles. We also deal with contacts with customs agencies and VAT settlements in their broad sense.
A client from the automotive industry
As part of a business relationship with one of the largest automotive parts distribution chains, MDDP provides comprehensive advice on VAT settlements, including support in implementing the correct import procedures. On behalf of the client we also handle ongoing cooperation with customs agencies.
A client from the petrochemical industry
MDDP experts cooperate with one of the largest entities in the petrochemical industry. We actively advise a client as regards VAT settlements. Among other things, the cooperation consists in proper setting of tax procedures, risk identification and implementation of improvements. Our advisory services also include support in the area of simplified import settlements and close cooperation with customs agencies.
Joanna Ryś-Bednarczyk
Partner | Tax adviserE: joanna.rys-bednarczyk@mddp.plT: (+48) 503 973 366
Anna Matysiak
Manager | Tax adviserE: T: (+48) 504 400 388
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