• analysis of the methodology of transition from accounting profit to tax profit,
  • verification of the correct recognition of revenue and expenses in the tax profit,
  • determining the correctness of calculating deferred tax,
  • verification of tax settlements with regard to key aspects of the client’s critical areas of business (depreciation of fixed assets, settling FX differences, etc.)
  • examination of tax efficiency of a selected business financing model
  • verification of “inclusibility” of interest in tax-deductible costs in terms of insufficient capitalization
  • verification of the tax profitability of financing an investments with equity
  • indication of the optimal moment for recognizing the cost of debt financing in the tax profit
  • examination of the legitimacy of the operations of related entities in the form of a tax capital group,
  • verification of the conditions for establishing and maintaining the TCG status by entities from the capital group,
  • preparation of tax simulation resulting from joint settlement of income under TCG
  • allocation of appropriate costs to the initial value of the fixed asset,
  • determining the correctness of settlement of investment costs over time for tax purposes,
  • verification of the chosen method and depreciation rate for individual investment expenditure
  • giving opinions on leasing contracts from the perspective of correct tax settlement,
  • advisory service in the field of balance sheet and tax classification of leasing contracts,
  • examination of key tax aspects arising from concluded leasing contracts (restrictions on expense recognition, contract assignment, FX differences, etc.
  • support in the correct tax settlement of business restructuring (mergers, divisions, contributions, transformations and creation of business entities),
  • indication of key risks from the perspective of the general clause against tax evasion,
  • verification of the arm’s length quality of settlements in relation to the relocation of assets within the capital group
  • tax analysis of contracts / transactions and identification of potential risks regarding incorrect tax classification of economic events,
  • creating internal procedures regarding selected issues related to the corporate income tax,
  • checking the company’s accounting system for tax risk

MDDP’s Income Taxes Practice

MDDP’s Income Tax Practice comprehensively supports clients in tax compliance – helping them use all new opportunities, manage tax risk and fulfil reporting obligations. It consists of experts whose knowledge covers the full range of issues related to income taxes and who have experience in developing sustainable tax strategies for Polish and foreign companies operating on the Polish market in several countries or on a global scale.

We help companies that plan changes in ownership or operational structure, the sale of the business, a debut on the stock exchange or obtaining funds from a private equity fund, and we develop tax strategies that facilitate conducting business on both the local and international market.

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