Marta Klepacz
Transfer Pricing
Email: marta.klepacz@mddp.pl
Mob.: +48 533 889 036
- Transfer pricing expert.
- Specializes in reviewing / preparing transfer pricing documentation, conducting comparative analyses as well as developing and implementing transfer pricing policies in capital groups.
- Implements projects concerning the establishment of methodology for calculating remuneration as a part of transactions to ensure security from the perspective of transfer pricing.
- Deals with restructuring of capital groups and supports clients during tax inspections.
- Cooperates on a daily basis with clients from furniture, paper, financial, pharmaceutical, FMCG and transport industries.
- Has extensive experience in processing Advance Price Arrangements.
- Runs transfer pricing workshops.
- Has led a number of projects concerning, among others:
- development of a methodology for calculating remuneration in the sale of finished products carried out by a client from the pharmaceutical industry;
- development of a model of functioning of limited risk distributors from the FMCG industry on CEE markets and preparation of the transfer pricing policy for transactions carried out in the Group;
- assessment of intangible assets transfer transactions in terms of meeting the definition of restructuring and preparation of exit fee calculations;
- preparation of a memorandum on the assessment of transactions in terms of meeting the conditions of transaction homogeneity and the possibility of using safe harbours for clients from the paper industry.
- 2017 | Postgraduate Transfer Pricing and Tax Management Studies at the Warsaw School of Economics
- 2014 | Faculty of Economics and International Relations at the Cracow University of Economics
- Member of the working group on benchmarking for financial transactions at the Transfer Pricing Forum
- Languages: Polish, English
- Highly regarded expert in Poland in the Transfer Pricing category in the World Transfer Pricing and World Transfer Pricing Leaders ranking published by International Tax Review (2024, 2023, 2022).