MDDP is a partner of the Third Congress of the Lewiatan Confederation Tax Council

We would like to invite you to the Third Congress of the Lewiatan Confederation Tax Council which is going to take place on 9th and 10th April at the Golden Floor Tower in Warsaw, organized in partnership with MDDP. The Congress is a two-day discussion forum on tax law with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Finance, members of the Lewiatan Confederation Tax Council and practitioners who have contact with the tax law on a daily basis. We particularly invite you to participate in the discussion panel “Cooperation program – are entrepreneurs ready for close cooperation with the National Revenue Administration?” with Artur Gostomski, Director of the Key Entities Department at the Ministry of Finance, Tomasz Michalik, Partner at MDDP and Jolanta Nowińska from CEMEX Polska, moderated by Alicja Sarna, Partner at MDDP and Vice-President of the Tax Council. We would also like to ivite you to participate in workshops led by MDDP experts:
  1. 10 Apr 2019, 13:00 – 14:30: “Changes in VAT – mandatory split payment mechanism, new matrix of VAT rates and binding rate information, online cash registers, white list of taxpayers with the list of accounts” Janina Fornalik,
  2. 10 Apr 2019, 14.45 – 16.15: “Safe harbour, TP adjustments, new definition of connections and mandatory benchmarking analyses, i.e. everything you need to know when preparing transfer pricing documentation for 2018 and 2019″ Agnieszka Krzyżaniak.
To secure a place during the event, just click “Register” below. We are looking forward to seeing you!