9 awards for MDDP in Rzeczpospolita ranking

We are pleased to share information about MDDP’s achievement in the latest Rzeczpospolita Ranking of Tax Advisory Firms

MDDP experts as leaders in the CIT, PIT and VAT categories

As many as three MDDP experts made it to the podium of the Rzeczpospolita ranking of tax advisory firms!

🏆 Justyna Bauta-Szostak – a leader in the field of CIT,

🏆 Anna Misiak – a leader in the field of PIT,

🏆 Tomasz Michalik – a leader in the field of VAT

MDDP experts recommended on excise duty, compliance and transactions

Three more MDDP experts have been ranked in the Rzeczpospolita ranking of tax advisory firms as recommended advisors in their fields

🏆 Agnieszka Kisielewska – recommended expert on excise duty,

🏆 Joanna Ryś-Bednarczyk – recommended expert on compliance,

🏆 Piotr Paśko – recommended expert in transaction advisory

The winners and distinctions in these individual categories were determined by a two-stage vote. In the first stage, peers nominated what they considered to be the best professionals in their respective fields. In the second – from among the specialists who received the highest number of votes from the ranking companies – the chapter of the competition selected the best experts in the respective fields on the basis of the greatest successes of the individual advisors from 2023. The chapter included prominent representatives of the world of science: Prof. Hanna Litwińczuk (University of Warsaw), Prof. Elżbieta Chojna-Duch (University of Warsaw), Prof. Bogumił Brzeziński (Mikołaj Kopernik University in Toruń, Jagiellonian University), Prof. Leonard Etel (University of Białystok), as well as Agnieszka Durlik (National Chamber of Commerce) and Arkadiusz Pączka (Federation of Polish Entrepreneurs).

MDDP awarded in prestigious court wins category

🏆 In the Excise duty category: Breakthrough verdict by the Supreme Administrative Court on the conditions for applying the 0% excise tax rate (attorneys in the case were Agnieszka Kisielewska, Tomasz Michalik and Jakub Warnieło)

🏆 In the CIT category: Breakthrough judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court regarding the costs of debt financing in full factoring (represented by: Katarzyna Kozakowska)

MDDP distinguished for making good laws

The editors of Rzeczpospolita appreciated MDDP for taking part in a number of projects and legislative work at not only the national but also the European level, such as: participation as the only representative of Poland in the VAT Expert Group operating at the European Commission, public consultation of the VAT in the Digital Age package conducted by the European Commission, EU consultation on the guidelines on the export of cyber-surveillance items under Art. 5 of Regulation (EU) No. 2021/821 (Guidelines on the export of cyber- -surveillance items under Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No. 2021/821), opinion and consultation on, inter alia, projects concerning the e-invoicing system, the deposit system, amendments to the Tax Ordinance, VAT composition or investment agreements.

More and more stock listed companies at MDDP

Every year, Rzeczpospolita, together with the editors of Parkiet, checks which advisory firms serve the largest number of issuers. MDDP has been at the forefront of this list for several years and in 2023 we already advised 34 companies listed on the WSE, compared to 28 in 2022 (+21 per cent).

MDDP consistently among the top tax advisory firms in Poland

The Rzeczpospolita ranking of tax advisory firms confirms that we close 2023 with a good balance sheet in terms of both the number of advisers and revenues across the MDDP group.

#MORE in today’s issue of Rzeczpospolita -> LINK (material available after logging in).