Global minimum tax (GloBE) | Webinar
11 December 2024 | 10.00-11.30
Online event
Global minimum tax (GloBE) is one of the most important challenges faced by major entrepreneurs. The regulations will cover large Polish taxpayers and companies that are part of international groups. The provisions are complex, so proper implementation requires an in-depth analysis of the rules and their practical application – such as the IIR, QDMTT and UTPR rules.
To avoid the risk of sanctions, companies need to prepare properly for the implementation of GloBE. This is because data that will be needed for the tax calculation has not been collected as standard to date.
MDDP and Konfederacja Lewiatan would like to invite you to a free webinar, during which Monika Dziedzic and Łukasz Kumkowski, MDDP experts specialising in the topic of the global minimum tax, will share their practical knowledge in this area. During the meeting not only the new legislation will be presented, but also valuable tips on how to implement GloBE in an organisation and the principles to follow to avoid tax risks.
- IIR rule – Income Inclusion Rule;
- QDMTT principle – payment of compensatory tax in the country where the income was earned (including, inter alia, QDMTT safe harbour);
- UTPR rule – Undertaxed Payments Rule.
- date: 11 December 2024.
- time: 10.00-11.30 a.m.
- Online event
- Event conducted in Polish.

Monika Dziedzic
Tax advisor I Partner
Tel.: +48 22 322 68 90

Łukasz Kumkowski
Tax advisor | Attorney at Law I Senior manager
Tel.: +48 660 428 394
Polish regulations regarding the global minimum tax are complex and therefore require multifaceted preparations for proper implementation. MDDP provides comprehensive support in the area of GloBE for Polish capital groups as well as Polish subsidiaries operating within international capital groups. Our advisory include not only assistance in process adjustments and employee training but also, among other things, support in preparing data and information, calculating the effective tax rate, and determining the impact of applying tax reliefs.
#MORE on our webiste dedicated to GloBE >>