NRA strikes back

Transfer pricing continues to attract the attention of tax authorities. Major additional income assessments and successfully completed controls (from the perspective of tax authorities) are summarized by the National Revenue Administration – it releases information on the amount of the additional assessment and the exact scope of the control. Last week saw two of such…

WIRD to replace WIBOR

On 13 July 2022, the National Working Group (NGR) for reform of reference index was established. It was tasked with introducing a new interest rate reference index in place of WIBOR. The NGR features, among others, the representatives of te Ministry of Finance, the Bank Guarantee Fund (BFG), the Polish Development Fund (PFR), Warsaw Stock…

Keep your arm’s-length distance – how to meet Polish TP obligations

Magdalena Dymkowska of MDDP provides a guide to the vagaries of the Polish transfer pricing regulations and explains why the applicability of the arm’s-length rule may leave multinational companies somewhat surprised. Multinational companies that are familiar with transfer pricing (TP) issues in their countries might raise their eyebrows over the kinds of transactions that are…