• Comprehensive support in implementing the JPK_V7M structure

    • an analysis of new data required to be entered, taking into account the specificity of the company,
    • support in entering new fields/codes into the system,
    • assigning product group codes to the product list,
    • mapping source data to the new JPK_V7M structure,
    • final verification of the technical validation of the new JPK_V7M structure with the XSD scheme and performance of tests on the implemented structure.
  • JPK e-Audit - verification of the correctness of the prepared JPK_V7M file

    • Verification of the technical and substantive correctness of the JPK_V7M file generated by the client using the proprietary VATcheck MDDP tool.
    • In the extended version, the verification includes the use of the checkJPK tool, which checks not only the correctness of the JPK_V7M file itself, but also includes cross-tests verifying the consistency between JPK_V7M structures and other structures – Invoice, Inventory, Books of Accounts, Bank statements.
    • MDDP verification also includes checking the correctness of JPK_V7M files in terms of their submission using the test environment provided by the Ministry of Finance.
  • JPK generator - a tool to generate JPK_V7M and JPK_V7K JPK_V7M files

    • The JPK Generator is a flexible tool that allows you to generate a new JPK structure from various types of source files.
    • The main function is to convert the source data in the form of an Excel file to JPK_V7M, taking into account the specificity of the client.
    • The source file may contain all the required data or the data may be additionally completed by the user after conversion.
  • Workshops / individual consultations on the new JPK VAT requirements

    • 1-2-hour workshops for the persons/team responsible for implementing solutions for the new JPK in the company.
    • Workshops held as consultations, during which MDDP experts respond to reported problematic issues, as well as indicate areas that, based on previous experience, may cause substantive or technical problems in the implementation of the new JPK file.

There is not much time left to prepare your company for the new VAT reporting requirements in the form of JPK_V7M (for monthly VAT settlement ) and JPK_V7K (for quarterly VAT settlements). The new JPK file structures are to apply starting from the settlement for October or Q4 2020. There are no signals that this date is to be postponed once again. This means that the first JPK VAT files in the new structure will be submitted by 25 November 2020, but starting from 1 October the system should assign appropriate identifiers of specific transactions to enable the generation and submission of a correct JPK VAT file on time.

The new JPK VAT file means not only a new form of VAT return, but also a significantly expanded registration part, which includes a number of new identifiers for specific types of goods, services, transactions and document types. This requires significant changes to the financial and accounting systems and internal procedures to ensure the generation of the JPK structure, either directly from the company’s system or with the use of an external tool.

The complexity of changes and the expectations of our clients resulted in MDDP’s establishment of a team of experts specializing in issues related to the new JPK_VAT structure, including both tax advisors and IT specialists. The team provides comprehensive support to clients in implementing and verifying the new JPK VAT file. We have also prepared and provided IT tools allowing both a new JPK VAT file to be prepared and files prepared in another system to be verified.


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