EU customs reform – proposals of the European Commission

On May 17, 2023, the European Commission presented the first package of changes to EU customs law. The draft focuses in particular on EU-wide coordinated risk management, facilitating customs procedures for reliable traders and adapting customs regulations for e-commerce transactions. Harmonised risk management The European Commission proposes the creation of EU Customs Authority. The task…

CJEU – is it required to make adjustments to input VAT in the case of destruction of goods?

In the judgment of 4 May 2023 in Case C-127/22 ‘Balgarska telekomunikatsionna kompania’ EAD [hereinafter: Company] v Direktor na Direktsia ‘Obzhalvane i danachno-osiguritelna praktika’ – Sofia [hereinafter: tax authority], the CJEU ruled on the obligations of taxpayers to make adjustments to input tax in relation to the acquisition of goods when those goods are not…

Self-billing in KSeF on behalf of foreign taxpayers

The introduction of the mandatory KSeF (National e-Invoicing System) will undoubtedly affect all issues related to invoicing, circulation of invoices within organizations or exchange of invoices with contractors. This will also concern self-billing, as invoices issued this way are subject to the obligation of being issued in KSeF, which will involve the necessity to properly…